Through a series of direct actions, Mostecká solidární síť (MSS) forced Zepter to pay out Žaneta’s commissions in the second weekend in August. The manager Jiří Ozaňák had fraudulently transferred these commissions to the account of Karolína Ozaňáková. However, Zepter finally paid out the commissions to Žaneta. Thus, the dispute ended with our victory and there is no need to send protest e-mails to Zepter anymore. However, we decided to leave the text on the website due to its informational and motivational value. Information on the development of this dispute and its triumphant end can be found here.
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This is a solidarity appeal from the Most Solidarity Network (Most, Czech Republic) to send protest e-mails to Zepter International Ltd., which refuses to pay its worker due commission for three months of work. Just fill out the e-form and the company will receive a model protest letter (you can edit it if you like). Most Solidarity Network was formed in winter 2013 as a working group of Most-based Alerta Association. This is our first conflict, so we would welcome your support.
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Conflict background
Most Solidarity Network was contacted by Žaneta G. at the end of May 2013. She asked for help in her workplace conflict. It started when Jiří Ozaňák, the local manager of Zepter International Ltd., didn’t pay her commission for three months of work. After hearing her story, we decided to support Žaneta in her struggle to get the unpaid money.
From the beginning, it was clear that Žaneta welcomed our willingness to help her. Our solidarity represented a significant psychological encouragement. One always feels better when seeing that she or he is not alone in the struggle to solve a problem.
Our first step together with Žaneta was to define the main goal: that the unpaid commission is paid as soon as possible. Then we went to the local manager who stole the money from her and she handed him a letter with this demand.
Afterwards, the letter was also sent to the company management. Whereas Ozaňák didn’t reply to the letter, the management sent us an e-mail signed by Marcela Dolanová, the director of the regional branch of the company. She explained that the case had been given to a competent person who is supposed to find a solution. In our response we pointed out that with regard to the seriousness of the situation, we consider further delays unacceptable.
As the commission was not paid until the deadline given to the management, Most Solidarity Network decided to start a campaign involving other groups and individuals in the Czech Republic and abroad. In the first stage, protest e-mails will be sent to the management of Zepter International Ltd. in the Czech Republic. Everyone wishing to support Žaneta can easily take part in this activity. If the commission is not paid, further steps will follow.
Your solidarity
It is very easy for an individual to send an e-mail. If more people do it, it will give a signal to the management that there are many people from all over the world who demand that the commission is paid. Our campaign is based on simple logic: while an individual can be easily ignored, international collective pressure can’t.
Sending a protest e-mail is not all you can do to support Žaneta. There are also other forms of support both on local and international level. We will inform you if they are needed in order to put more pressure on the company.
Model protest e-mail to the management of Zepter International Ltd. in the Czech Republic
Subject: International protest
Hereby I join the international protest against the actions of the local manager Jiří Ozaňák, who stole from Žaneta G. a commission she earned while working for Zepter International Ltd. The commission, which should have been transferred to her bank account by Jiří Ozaňák, was deliberately transferred to the bank account of another person. I consider such action unacceptable.
It is Zepter International Ltd.’s responsibility to resolve the situation. Until the commission is paid, I will inform about the case not only in the country I live in but also in other countries around the world. In addition, I will support all forms of protests against such practices in your company. Hereby I express solidarity with Žaneta G. and again emphasize my willingness to stand up for her rights.
Name, city, country (or organization) and date
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